Meet Team USA

Augmented Reality

Americans couldn't go to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. But they could still Meet Team USA in AR.

"Through augmented reality, athletes 'come to life,'"

Fans in hundreds of towns across America could Meet Team USA.

Learn things like: Surfing is in the Olympics now.


Paralympians and Olympians ‘come alive’ on posters with 3D augmented reality motion graphics and content films.

Photo Op.

Snap a picture with Team USA. Pose and they appear around you in 3D. Share with friends and family.


Equal prominence to Paralympians. And an audio experience was included for vision impaired people.

See athletes on the streets and in retail.

Scan. Point. Meet.

A QR code opened an AR experience directly in the browser. Users point their phone at any athlete poster and see athlete bios, learn about their events, and hear them describe their journey. Simply point to the next poster for the next athlete. No rescanning a QR code.

See athletes pop out of the posters.

Snap a pic with your heroes.



Snr. Creative Director

Marcus Eriksson

David Shafei

Augmented Reality for
Posters and OOH
Content Films
Audio Experience


Team USA
US Olympic and Paralympic Committee
Happy Finish
72 and Sunny
World War 7

Most fans weren’t able to attend the Tokyo Olympics, fortunately Meet Team USA brought Olympic and Paralympic athletes to hundreds of towns across America with digital activations.

Fans feel more invested when they interact with their heroes. And after spending time with the athletes, Michael was in deep. He helped give Americans the experience of meeting Olympic athletes without going to Tokyo. This was an integrated campaign with accessibility in mind, with multiple deliverables across digital, audio, and film. Michael led the Xfinity retail digital activation as Senior Creative Director at Elephant, managing teams of creatives at all levels. He attended multi-agency film and photography shoots in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Miami. He worked with talented production partners from a wide variety of craft from digital, film, audio, and photography. Michael performed all type of duties from conceptualization, presentation, design (Photoshop, Figma), proof-of-concept video edits and motion graphics (Premiere, After Effects), created 3D graphics (C4D, Dimension), rapid prototyped augmented reality experiences (Spark AR, Aero), and got overly patriotic for USA when meeting Team USA athletes (even though he’s an Aussie.)

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